<center>© pan_kung | Shutterstock</center>

The novel coronavirus, now named COVID-19, surfaced in Wuhan on 31 December 2019. It has infected 43103 people globally, 42708 people in China alone and 395 people in other countries (statistics are correct as of 11 February). China has been putting measures in place to contain the outbreak, which is what this article is going to be about.

In order to encourage people displaying symptoms of COVID-19 to get tested at hospitals, at least 3 cities in China have banned the sale of fever and cough medicines. Some may argue that this will drive up the numbers at the hospitals, which have limited resources and big crowds (which raises the chance of contracting the virus). China has already attempted to solve this issue by building two hospitals within 10 days to allow more to get tested and treated, which is a great feat. This speaks a lot of the efficiency and effort put into this project, since it is difficult to imagine any building to be erected in such a short window of time.

As it is recommended to stay away from large crowds, companies have their employees working remotely from home if possible and schools have adopted online lessons for their students. If they have no choice but to work in the office/go to school, HVAC units are turned off since recent research suggests that COVID-19 lasts longer in cold and dry environments. This will encourage more ventilation to keep the space more bearable to work/study in.

With online learning, users can catch up on their work at their own pace in the comfort of their own home. The ATIOM app allows employers to schedule online meetings and disseminate important/urgent information to employees (who are working remotely) with ease and without fear of the rate of productivity dropping. Online learning can also hone the sense of responsibility for their own learning in employees, since there will be no boss breathing down their necks for that one course. We have also launched a module on the ATIOM app about COVID-19, so that education about the epidemic can still be done during times of crisis. If you are interested to try it out, do request for a demo using the link at the bottom of this post!

Due to more people staying indoors during this trying period, there has been a higher demand for food delivery services. Apps that already offer such services (Ele.me and Meituan Waimai, for example) will stand to gain from this. Therefore, F&B businesses focus more of their manpower on delivery orders instead of serving walk-in customers. This makes it more convenient for people on quarantine to get their food and not stay hungry or be forced to go out.

As we go through this tumultuous period, I will like to express my gratitude to all the healthcare professionals battling this coronavirus on the frontline. For all the sacrifices you made, the risks you have to take in order to protect the rest of us, and for nursing the infected back to health, thank you. Together, we can cross this hurdle and become stronger, 加油!

<center>Image from Thir.st</center>

ATIOM is a gamified SaaS E-learning platform and helps business improve employee engagement activities that make training and communications fun, effortless and measurable. Request Your Demo Here.

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