1. Satisfied Frontline Employees Create Satisfied Customers

Satisfied employees produce satisfied customers. Businesses that focus their efforts on their frontline staff are investing in the people who are providing customer service and who are actively turning leads into customers. It’s important to keep frontline employees happy because: • They become happier in the workplace which leads to better customer service • They become more productive which increases the profitability of the company • They take better care of the customer, which produces a better customer experience and improves customer loyalty.

2. Your Frontline Staff Members Are the Face of Your Company

Your frontline employees are the face of your company. This means that the actions of your frontline employees reflects directly on your company’s vision, mission, culture, and values. So it’s more important than ever to make sure these workers are engaged and enthusiastic at work. This is why frontline workers should be valued. When you start investing in them, they will in turn produce better results and create a better image for your company.

3. Frontline Staff Knows and Understands Your Customers’ Pain Points

Frontline employees interact with customers every single day and they have first-hand insights from these interactions. While polls and surveys are fine, customers can’t always articulate what they truly want, and their behaviour might be different from what they state in their survey. The frontline workers, who by definition are the employees who directly deal with the customers, observe their behavior every single day and have valuable data and insights to provide. Since your frontline employees know your customers the best, listening to their voices and acting upon their feedback gives your business a massive advantage.

4. Empowering Frontline Staff Creates a Bottom-up Culture

Today’s workplace requires creativity, fast decision-making, and innovation from employees, and you can’t accomplish that by managing frontline employees in a top-down only culture. That’s why a bottom-up culture is essential in today’s businesses. A bottom-up culture revolves around the inclusion of employee ideas, insights, and perspectives (perceptions) to make the most informed decisions. Having multiple perspectives on how you can achieve your company’s goals is critical to the success of your business. If you want to see what that looks like in practice, take a look at how this Southwest flight attendant delivers her PA.

5. Creating an Empowering Work Environment Results in Greater Job Satisfaction and Lower Turnover Rates

Some employees are disengaged and they lack motivation to work. But it’s not just engagement— employees will also eventually leave the company because of bad managers.
When frontline staff is disengaged at work, it affects: • Absenteeism • Performance • Customer ratings • Quality • Profit By creating an empowering work environment where your frontline staff have autonomy, mastery, and purpose, they will: • Stay with the company longer • Improve their mental health and well-being • Boost their performance • Provide better customer care, quality, and service • Increase the company’s profits

This is why there is a need to create an empowering work environment that let your workers know that you care for them!

ATIOM is a mobile based training solution that speeds up communication and real-time learning with your frontline teams. Request Your Demo Here.

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